
After 3 long years, I am finally able to compose my 7th entry. Why the absence? Everyday shuffling of work in the office and at home never became an easy task. At the end of each day all I could think of was resting my aching back and feet. Yet I have no regrets as all sacrifices pay off.
Why the comeback? Because now I am a full time mom to my 2 charming daughters and wife to my loving husband. Being able to handle my own sweet time has been gracious. Nowadays, I can take my teenager to her game or the mall and even walk my youngest to school without stressing too much. Best of all, I am able to prepare sumptuous meals to wow my husband as well. Seeing them happy makes me happy and I could not ask for more.
I may have lost ground but while time is a friend, I intend to pick up from where I left and jump start the year doing one more thing I love to do: write.